This work is a prototype.
I would like to brush up this work and finish it perfectly by fall or winter.

*Futaba Station at Fukushima. *Return-to-difficult-area.
The town where I lived with you.
*Futaba town at Fukushima. *Return-to-difficult-area.
Abandoned mind.
The land to be contaminated.
*Temporary storage space for flexible container bag. * High radioactive waste.
*Temporary storage space for flexible container bag and Air counter held in hand. * High radioactive waste.
In the town that stopped that day.
*Futaba high school at Fukushima. *Return-to-difficult-area.
A life to live, a beautiful creature.
*Kibou Farm at Namie, Fukushima. *Return-to-difficult-area.
Perhaps, people may not be necessary for this land.
*daishoji at Namie, Fukushima.
Just to be there as an important hometown.
*Ukedo river at Namie, Fukushima.
*Hosoya Beach at Futaba, Fukushima. *Return-to-difficult-area.
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